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Completed the first time of life DingXiaoLong mood very investment, happy, and looking for someone to the underlying. The arrival of the practice and help him to break the limitations, and not everything that happened today said. Today the most cool thing is away a competitor. Do you know. Originally signed a contract the somebody else out. I offered to double the price, and will also take on. Liquidated damages The landlord is to come down. The most funny is, when I saw the contract, almost have no joy out of my nose bubble, that guy like didn't expect that, in the event of breach of the terms have no seriously, so there's not much on damages.

Then the rent house also come with us, in the face of a confrontation, we said that was dusty go, it's too generous. Breath said so much, DingXiaoLong felt some thirsty and took a bottle of beer two. YangHuaXin way. so qiao. At noon in the grim hall happened, how could practice so quick forget.

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You are not more money. A. let's have a race. Yang shook his head and his way. be also know it. Then, Yang du jiale will and some of the things that happened between two people to hear. Said Two people listen to, not laugh, especially the practice and hear the car hit du jiale that, but also clap. The silly ratio, it looks some brain damage. Don't know how his parents to pandora bracelets take out money let this black sheep, to skip stone. Now that he wants to talk to us, we let him know our badly.

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Wu Yi.fan at pandora charms once felt very silly, but there are no good.looking television programs, and finally looked at more than a hundred square meters of houses, suddenly realize that they have not yet visited, immediately decided to see something good. Wang Fei good planning of the house, a look that is out of her hand, my colleagues, like, full of simple elegance, simple but not simple.

Bedroom living room the kitchen the bathroom everywhere gives a warm feeling, but there is a bedroom of her daughter, even stuck a note on the door that says in large letters the private domain, others are not allowed to break income, allowing him to have a mixed feelings, it seems to stir up trouble for her daughter is a clown. Wang Xue Fei cooking moves quickly, half an hour to do the four fragrant delicacies, though there are not but they both have been used just dinner, but this is now enjoying the atmosphere, and not intentionally to eat, but this four side dishes make fine, it seems a lot of effort, people look at it every Wu Yi.Fan in time to be starting, Wang Xue Fei do not know where to come up with a bottle of wine and two goblets. "Inferior to those you just drink wine, will a Drink."

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Cup lightly touched in the air, a drink and Wang Xue Fei Jin, Wu Yi.fan, just do not see the ambiguity, drank. Wu Yi.Fan Wang Xue Fei, and to pour a glass. "The second cup is always young and beautiful snow Philippine Cheers." Wu Yi.fan with a smile raised his glass, he is not a people who understand style. On the contrary, playing style, but good for him to a.


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She saw such a scene there, staring at the beautiful big frightened eyes, desperately want to struggle, but it does not break open. Soon, her mouth has been labeled the tape, hands and feet are also tied up, thrown in the middle of two rows of seats, can only issue a "Wu Wu" sound. It all happened too fast, took less than a minute, there is passers.by to see this scene.

Mu panic and fear in the minds of small premature circled inside, so she did not know what offended people in the end. Yi Xue Xian at noon after school, and as usual, walking toward Wu Yi.fan to buy their own set of house went. When she walked into a small alley, when suddenly two men close to him. "What is Xian Yi Xue Xiao Yi teacher." One man with gloomy whispered. "I am, you have what thing."

A woman stopped, looked at the two of them look stunned. "Our boss, please take a trip to the teacher Xiao Yi Yi." That of men sneer loudly. "What." Easy snow han heard that, immediately the guard, "I do not know you, please get out.Yi Xiao Yi teacher not to do so blunt Well, take a look at this, maybe you'll change your mind." That were once a man pulled out a photo imaging, handed her. "Ah." Yi Xue Xian took that picture, light cried, his right hand clutching his lips, and a look of dismay.

Photo turned out to be the hands and feet were tied with the little prematurely, the moment of her looking a little pale, warble, "You. little premature. you.Hush." the man put a finger stand in front of the mouth, slight shaking of the two, "Yi Xiao Yi teacher, we do not want to get attention, if you cry and shout, I am a phone call, immediately let your students were raped to death round.

if you cooperate, I guarantee you the safety of chamilia beads teachers and students, my suggestion is not very good then. You. you." easy to look at the snow.han on Buganshengzhang a child. An ordinary black van parked in the street, two men pulled the snow Xian Yi went to pieces on the car, the outsider, there is no sign of a little forced. "How you put a little premature."

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get up again. "Puchi." They were a big mouth, emitting a blood immediately, all at the same time with the right hand clutching his stomach, face pain and horror of watching the Wu Yi.fan, that this man suddenly cast out before the explosive is disturbing, does not seem to have human power. Units blessing point, although there is no way and compared to that but still sturdy.

Yuan bald eyes, mouth wide open, under an almost stuffed eggs, put the Buddha statue of the general who stood there, silly, into a sluggish state, and even tucked the cigarette almost burned his right hand fingers are did not find that. When the man has become so arrogant. So cow ~ force. Bald naturally know the ability of these five men, let alone be easily marked with what is being kicked more than ten feet, I am afraid that will not let them become so embarrassed, but they are not just embarrassed, and some Poor, put the Buddha was torn on a small lamb, depressed, pale and trembling, and just like two.

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swallowed hard, and finally around the corner, or hold his desires, his own off, random stuff into each other, but still reluctant to glance glances. "Ah." Pay Jun Yao surprised a moment, I suddenly remembered that he looks like now, cheeks flushed with shame, hurriedly took his clothes, wear them casually. Fortunately, Wu Yifan coat relatively large, can more blocking her beautiful figure, otherwise, she really want to see other people in this posture.

How will it effect you just do. The wanted to tear their clothes, the results for this bastard to see some things should not see themselves not on purpose, to blame someone, blame the large predators on the eyes too sharp, and to those who do not know The look of the place to look. Wu Yi.fan, a few of them finally put this bearded, middle.aged face and gold spectacles ass middle.aged arrested, Jun Yao to pay them in handcuffs and took them straight up the search again to determine the After no weapons, and only then thrown into the police car with them inside, this screaming, running quickly away towards the Public Security Bureau.

Wu Yi.fan inside the car just sat back, saw a look of intense small Shih.han said. "My husband, how you just had. I heard them say, you hurt. thing it does not matter. Or we go to the hospital check.up."

She just had want to jump off the car to see Wu Yifan injury, but thought I physically very weak, so blind washed down, but maybe they bring a lot of Wu Yi.fan of unnecessary trouble, we can only wait until now. Wu Yi.fan anxious to see his face looks like the heart or a little more like it, could not help but smile. "fool, but endured a foot, how would things. But what if I could kiss you, it will certainly be more wonderful.

"finish the sentence he has kissed each other's Xiangchun. Body of three hundred and seventy seventh chapter when my boyfriend Wu Yifan in the next two days which can be said every day to accompany the side in the small day play, nature will not be idle at night, in bed and enjoy doing some things children should not be, although Don Boa the little girl would also like to follow the join in chamilia charms the fun, but was Wu Yifan directly overlooked, and anger which teeth straight itch, wait and Wu Yi.fan,


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Yao tougher measures, certainly not promised. Fu Jun Yao mind which has been surfaced with just the kind of charming pictures, so she wanted to have a dead heart, as a girl, she has toyed with many times and their own Prince Charming, in a romantic location for matters her eyes closed, waiting for Prince soulful kiss, his first kiss, but now gave a rogue looted, but also security in a small room inside, the most appalling is that bastard even his tongue into his mouth years, flirting with their own small Xiangshe If I had not pushed him at a critical time, out of the security room, then do not know what will happen then.

Wu Yi.fan, I pay Jun Yao from now, and you irreconcilable. Yexi Wen Fu Jun Yao's face to pandora charms see volatile, a little amazed and said. "Yaoyao, how. Not that such a small thing, He Bisheng big bullying. Big deal I have time to help you her that the total become a right.

" Jun Yao mind at this time to pay is simply not there to teach driving skills thing, but their first kiss was taken away on such a sleepwalk, heart some melancholy, some anger, there is just one where they have been kissing when Wu, In addition to Xiunao heart, the surprising some faint expectation that emotional problems do not is this is his instinct as a woman.

Do yourself a casual woman. No, this is not true to yourself, he was definitely want to kill that bastard, and no other ideas. But the kind of passion, the kind of temptation, the kind of electric shock.like pleasure, like a fiery burning of his body seems to melt away put their own general. "Yaoyao, how do you. How your face so hot." Ye Xiwen see half.day did not speak, and red cheeks, could not help but feel a bit out of hand the other side of the forehead, could not help but exclaim loudly.

"Oh, Wenwen sister, me, and I all right." Pay Jun Yao's thoughts were suddenly interrupted her, put the Buddha was unto the bed general, even voice trembling. Put her head inside the Buddha badly in general, has been chaos into gruel, her first time ever appeared upset. "You do not look, is not sick." Ye Xiwen some worry. "Wenwen sister, right, estimated to be busy busy work these days of it, a break will be all right and I, I go first, do not bother to work for you."


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Engels said: marriage without love is immoral. What is love? According to the "Modern Chinese Dictionary word" interpretation, the feelings of love is love between men and women. More precisely point is the sexual gratification of sincere feelings, as time differences, this sincere and emotional changes through the years of accumulation, the face of love is also quietly change.

The old society, "the orders of parents to enrich" marriage, deprived of love between men and women; child bride is a disguised form of mercenary marriage, it is the desecration of love, a word to pandora charms write of the old society, marriage is built on the basis of money , so marriage is no love at all.
In the 1950s, the new China announced the "Marriage Law", independent of marriage between men and women, free love, the wind began to prevail in intellectual circles, but most people, especially in rural areas, most of the men and women, or introduced, loving, marriage, the so-called " first marriage, after love "type of marriage, their love will greatly compromised. At that time men and women do not realize that "marriage without love is immoral," to hell with love, not love, can live together on the line, so the divorce rate is low, many couples can "many children, life together."
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"This woman was by no Xiao Yan Fan, even able to practice in this place *"
Phoenix-day eyes, passing many more surprised that jiu their lives, although he can come and go, but did not dare to stay inside the practice.
"She singled out to say first.", Phoenix-day eyes shimmering, hand out a large, fiercely against the bottom of a grip jiu lives, it was very thick on the lake Xuanbing, actually begins to burst open directly from the last channeling in a row in a little pop sound, deep fry the balls of ice fog.
With Xuanbing burst, lives below the re-emergence of jiu lake, phoenix day eyes slightly narrowed, as if to faint between the woman felt that since the end of their lives out a strange penetration coercion.
"Give the King out!"
Phoenix did not have too many slow days, in the eyes flicker Hanmang big hand grasping, it is as if their lives thrown a jiu waves in general, a road is life and life of the water column was actually pulled out of the sky phoenix day, for a time, this piece of heaven and earth, the sky from dozens of huge water column, it touches on is extremely spectacular.
Phoenix monster close the eyes looked to be upside down, the jiu-day lives, abnormal mind is rage, but he was dragged the body did not move, the moment can only pray that the hearts of color scales will not be any interference, although he understands It is good to be true, according to Huang day so go out, sooner or later it will really be the end of their lives from the color scales caught out, "Xiao Yan brothers, promise you something, I probably can not be completed," Phoenix looked at the days of looking indifferent jiu their lives, and now lives there have been the end of a deep whirlpool, swirl through the eyes, look to the deepest shadows seem to be able to see one.

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It seems, on the Plains of these forces and the strong, are very curious, when the soul of the house with the emerging powerhouse Tianfu League final collision, who is able to even more of a chip?
Just three days time, the mountains of the flow of people off the street, almost to the point of a very terrible, such a situation, it touches on so get those mountains in the origin of Warcraft suffered terribly, some of getting on here Bank on the World of Warcraft family, but also move quickly, for fear of being affected, leading to genocide tragedy occurred.
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Three days time, almost descended into the eye in that dies, when the fourth day Morninghope torn clouds, poured from above the earth, the mountains into the atmosphere, suddenly quietly become hot, "the sky, non-stop wind-breaking sound, a road-like figure as the maggots out of the flyby, their goals are the same, that is the center of the fall of meteorites pedicle top of the mountains!
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This battle, menacing cloud lan, but it is met with the most insane blow not only to come to give all the nine strong fall, but even most of those killed or injured ordinary disciples also, the rest survived, at the moment has been off into the empire of the jail, and therefore, can not polite to say, this time cloud-lan were offensive not only defeated, but also lost quite miserable ... "As the empire began to clean up the army suffered no small damage streets, those around the Mitel onlookers outside the family who had just shocked with the remnants of mind, get enough of the scattered away, and imagine I am afraid that either a few days time, this empire into what is happening, would like to grow wings is general, quickly spread to every corner of the Empire, and even, perhaps near some of chamilia charms the empire, will also receive these rather shocking news.

As the curtain slowly this vast battlefield, Mitel family tribe who also had a look of despair, put down the heart of tungsten, Ya-Fei, who finally, under the command began clearing the ruins of the manor.

Lin Yan and others with the bottom of a road in fear of falling behind the eyes into the manor, Xiao Yan directed at those sitting in wheelchair smiling face Xiao Ding smiled, immediately behind the front of migraine, said: "Brother, do not meet Big Brother? "

"Hey." "Heard, followed by a smile out of Xiao Li is also behind the grudge wings slowly dissipated, facing Xiao Ding said:" Brother, right? "

Xiao Li goes on looking at more than two years ago to slim the face with cold, Xiao Ding smiled and whispered: "This you've worked hard, ah," Fortunately, you remember my words this kid, did not let three brother out what was wrong, or you can not come back to see me. "

Xiao Ding words for subtle lesson in the wrist, Xiao Li take along a take along head, but not with the slightest resentment and resistance.

"Brother, your legs?" Xiao Li's eyes, but also stay in the Xiao Ding sitting in the wheelchair, his face suddenly sank immediately, emergency channel.

"Nothing." "Xiao Ding casual wave of his hand, but it is facing some surprised Xiao Ding said:" would you kid, how only two years time, they order not to fight the king? "

Wen Yan, Xiao Li Yi Zheng, rotating jack quickly said: "Hey, this is certainly a credit to a third brother, or in my days Yan Mountain, is now also fighting spirit at the most just." Talking at the same time, it back in the back of the hand gesture is directed at the name of Xiao Yan.

Glanced Xiao Li gestures, Xiao Yan heart silent, his brother refused to advance the power of life to get out of something that is afraid of Big Brother fear it, but this thing had a moment conceal, can not conceal I, in accordance with that, "Dan macrophages Health "overdraft for life time, there is a half brother's life at most one" seems too soon to think of ways that bear brother "Dan raw bite," the trouble to lift out ah. "" hesitated for a moment, raised his head and Xiao Yan projected on the TV drama to look over the Xiao Ding smiled and nodded, then walked forward, squat body, a finger pressed the thigh by the latter, frowning: "is poisoning? "

"Ah, had to flee when a shot in the cold with drugs, and these years have been dragged down, they are confused legs lost feeling, but also used, at least I would like things quiet and practice." Xiao Ding smiled down on the paralysis of the legs has not been too much frustration.

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Suddenly open courtyard, the hospital is instantly attracted the attention of the men, reported lower face slightly changed, figure Shanlue, those running around the children caught in the behind, and then shining out behind the weapon, align the outside of chamilia charms the hospital .
"Oh, can, do not be nervous."
Tension in the crowd when the heart cells, the familiar laughter, so they get this slack down, look down the road and then a door of the court where the three shadows.
Xiao Ding slowly pushed into this by the old compound, Xiao Yan eyes in those faint sweep on some familiar faces, these people are, more or less has a certain kinship with him.
"We look at who is back." Xiao Ding Wang works the crowd, smiling.
Wen Yan, Xiao family, who a moment, immediately after their attention has turned to  that black robe youth, young looking face goes, everyone is startled down at the moment, after a long while, an ecstatic wave suddenly in the yard of the up in the outbreak.
"Hsiao-yan sir!"
"I'm really Xiao Yan master, he is really back!"
"Ha ha, Xiao finally have hope, Kuaiqu Jiao three elders them out!"
Because looking at those moments of ecstasy broke out and actually had a little family who flawless Xiao, Xiao Li Xiao Yan and side as the one, face also appeared on the soft touch of a smile, floating for so many years of experience go to here , just the feeling back home.
The ecstasy of the crowd shouting in the courtyard of the house that is quickly opened, immediately rush the pace of an old man out, then quickly locked eyes in hospital gowns and young people who, looking sad face goes cooked for a time, These years have been polished all the temper of the three elders, but it is not help the tears up, they finally are coming to this day.
"Three elders, all these years, it is tough." Looking at the three elders that tears the Xipang, Xiao Yan is also sigh a sigh, slowly forward, softly.
"No pain no pain, young master in the street outside for so many years, suffering more than we can."
Three elders wiped two tears, said.
Qiaode emotional of the three elders, who also could not help around the Shaw family's dog eat dog, and a lot of money then although xiaojia famous families, the city is in that houtaing has a good position, but unfortunately just a few years , is the rapid decline of the family, they had enough to live comfortably, but also the run, all the time worrying about TV drama will be a night of tragedy from happening again.
"Yun Xiao Lan were owed me, and I will try get them to pay also." Pat on the shoulder of the Park three elders, Xiao Qin Zhao Yan deep voice a little difficult to hide the anger and the intention to kill, it will become xiaojia like appearance, he has a responsibility to bear the blame!
"Oh, little master has the ability, the patriarch is really eye, better than many of our three old fool, then. Oh, and two large Presbyterian elders in dying, we are so stupid when I move to the small Master say I'm sorry, "the three elders Fu laughter, the sound is a little hoarse.